You’re an asshat and my life is now motivated

Long story short: yesterday this guy wanted me to cheat on my boyfriend with him and I told him to take a hike.

Since then, I’ve not only told my boyfriend all about it (because I hide nothing from him), I deleted about 600 contacts from my phone, started biology, and made tuna salad.

I know tuna and biology don’t seem like a big deal, but I’ve had a hard time motivating myself to do things lately.

And for some reason, asshat with warped morals jump started the motivation car for me.

*Just took a break from writing this to peel kiwis for out smoothie station at work and I may or may not have sliced my finger open…*

Now if I could get motivated to work out and do some yoga that would be great.

**Put a bandaid on it and continued peeling, that’s how awesome I’m feeling today**

Author: Indy

Still figuring myself out. Will let you know in a bit.

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