Day One

I can’t stop crying.

Partly because of my stressed out thoughts, but mainly because I’m a woman and we biologically come upon that time of the month where all we do is cry.

I think tonight I’ll ask.

I think tonight I’ll be brave.

Face what I’m pretty sure could cause more tears.

Or maybe I should wait until day three of this fast.

(By the way, I’ve gone to log onto Facebook four times today only to remember I can’t beat this boredom with that site. I brought a book to work though, so I’m prepared.)

No, tonight is the night. If God opens the moment for that conversation to happen, then I’ll summon the small amount of courage I have to ask.

Ask what?

Well I can’t tell you right now.
But one day.

(Someone remind me to start writing my stories again. I have a bad memory and need a reminder later tonight.)

Will be in touch.